"Each morning I must push my voice up through the rusted filings settled in my throat."
August 24, 2020
I watch my friends and family in other countries going out. They go to the store. They go to each other's homes. They go on airplanes. I am jealous and I am scared. I am also thinking that this will be my second passover through all of this. In some ways it is calmer. No one around me is hording food or toilet paper. Shops are not about to be closed. Shelves are full. But at least here in the UK, it is still illegal for us to go to family for the seders. It is illegal for us to have guests for meals. It doesn't feel safe to walk into the major Kosher shops. My husband and I will be using Zoom again to be with his family. This time his father will be with his aunt and uncle, and we will Zoom in. In all other times I would never think about connecting with others virtually on a holiday - but it is the only way and it means a lot for my husband's father. So I am being more lenient with my observance. I guess this might be the only forum that I would feel comfortable saying that this is what I am doing AND I even feel comfortable doing it. It goes against all of my learning and religious background, but I can't imagine any other option. Now back to cleaning for Passover and work.
March 28, 2021