This is a photo of me starting my balloon garland for L’s birthday. As many kids her age, she hasn’t had a real birthday party since she was 2. This year, she is attending preK and we determined that we were comfortable having a few kids from her class to our home for a real party. WHT a joy to hear their laughter and shrieks of joy throughout the house for a few hours! It really warmed our hearts. This also brought the return of what A describes as my “way-too-intense” party planning, which obviously includes a balloon arch as pictures above. What can I say? I love entertaining and it allows me to be creative and make people happy in a fun atmosphere. After two tough years of pandemic (which of course is ongoing and we have to live with), it felt great to be able to allow L and her friends to experience some joy. The late-night prep work was all worth it!
December 7, 2022
In the Bay Area (of California) support for doing what we need to do to beat the virus is more the norm than not. Though people with school age kids probably are reaching the boiling point with schools just now starting to reopen. Even Disneyland is slated to open April 1st. The Governor is under threat of recall for his handling of the virus... closing restaurants, bars, etc. it’s easy to get signatures inCalifornia for a ballot measure; less easy to actually through a democrat out of office. In my circle of friends - the early sixties and up crowd, people are being even more cautious u til they get vaccinated. I guess we are getting so close, why blow it? And the losses of loved ones is also undoubtedly a factor. One I three Americans have lost someone they love and know to the virus. We are one of those.
March 7, 2021