A church near us has this message board up and usually it has been a sweet thing to glance at as we walk past--- names of people who are being prayed for, etc. These past few weeks people are scribbling over each other's messages and erasing each other's words, all about politics. I hate looking at it -- it's like an embodiment of our current situation, some people (only a few around here) yelling about how great Republicans are and others reacting with justified fury. I wish the church would just take away the chalk because there's nothing sweet about it now. During this pandemic we are all in a state of fury and terror all the time and our opportunities to connect are few and limited, and even a church chalkboard turns into polarized social media war.
October 14, 2020
I have previously felt hopeless because all night I could not sleep for at least three day since this pandemic hit the US. This Pandemic can really make a person think so much along with the many lives lost in the midst of this pandemic, on the news I have a front row seat to the recent cases and casualties that has taken the lives of innocent people. I believe that people should not be punished by this pandemic because life is precious than any material thing, This Virus knows how to wipe us our permanently, As seen on the news many people may result to suicide drinking Alcohol and other drugs, all of these substances lead to depression and the end of your life. unwanted Stress during This COVID 19 infectious disease outbreak can sometimes cause the following: Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones, your financial situation or job, or loss of support services you rely on. Changes in sleep or eating patterns. Difficulty sleeping or concentrating. Worsening of chronic health problems. Worsening of mental health conditions. Increased use of tobacco, and/or alcohol and other substances.
August 21, 2020