My friend who is suffering from Long Covid parosmia noted today that it has been a full year since she had a normal sense of smell or taste. One year ago was the last last day she enjoyed the taste and smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Eating is now a chore… and many days, barely tolerable. She is no longer able to smell or taste if something is dangerous or spoiled (smoke, gas, bad milk?). Have lunch with friends? dinner out? No thanks. She dreams of smelling the ocean, fresh cut grass, and oh, those chocolate chip cookies.
January 24, 2022
This is the anniversary of our quarantine year. Days are warmer and lighter, bringing back memories of the frightening and disorienting start of the pandemic. This is a confusing time for me: so many people have had their vaccines and can shift toward the new normal. I'm in phase 2 so am waiting, feeling depleted, feeling a confusing mix of hope, anger, fear, exhaustion and confusion. Work flows forward, filling my days -- some productive, some not. Despite my best efforts, I'm strangely less attuned to details. I forget to send dial-in details for Zooms, forget to cc key people, skip ahead in processes in ways that I might not have before. Maybe because of the isolation, I feel a lot of anxiety about these mess ups. I'm a freelance writer and editor so maintaining strong relationships with clients is crucial to my future earnings. I am doing the best I can. I'm trying to simplify my life with fewer volunteer involvements so that i can maintain better focus and carve out more time for well-being, self-care and peace of mind. I ordered seeds, potting soil and pots, and am eager to begin work on this year's garden. The snow drops are blooming in my garden. I look forward to trimming the lavender back for new growth, and am excited for a new well-contained bed of mint to grow so I can cook with this. Last night was President Biden's first address to the American people. His quiet kindness and calm, his competence and determination to help is a balm to my soul. I am terrified by the presence of so many people who are determined to deny voting rights to others. This moment of hope feels way too fragile.
March 13, 2021