I have to get a steroid injection for my lower back this week. I fell over a year ago and that resulted in a bulging disc that is pinching a nerve. I was actually very lucky. Although I was scheduled to receive it in June, I was feeling well since I had not been working. I work in retail, therefore, I am on my feet for several hours per week which can exacerbate the pain. I knew that when I started taking two Aleve, twice per day, that it was time. I was instructed that I would need to have a COVID test 2 days before my injection, which I was glad to hear. It is a major hospital in CT, so no big surprise about the test and I was relieved to get it done. I was not and am not concerned that it will be positive, given how I and my family have followed guidelines. I can be an anxious person but for some reason, leading up to the test and waiting in line did not make me feel anxious at all. Weirdly enough, while I sat in my car, listening to Green Day, I felt "normal," while also noticing how surreal the actual experience was. The sign directing the line of cars, people in head-to-toe safety gear with clipboards, people waiting in their vehicles. After I checked in and pulled forward for the actual test, I felt comfortable and safe. I am aware of the many types of COVID tests available but did not know which would be used. I honestly didn't care. People complain about the "massive Q-Tip" that is shoved in your nose, touching your brain and I didn't quite understand the big deal, considering the alternative. I did have a massive Q-tip stuck up both of my nostrils and it was done. It was not a big deal and the man who did it was professional, friendly and had his system of conducting the test perfectly established. I drove away, seeing the long line of cars and felt as if this was a normal part of anyone's day, as if it is simply something that we do. Hours later I was wondering if my radical acceptance of that experience was a positive, negative or something else. I decided it's a mixture: a blending of a lot of colors and temperatures...just like any life experience can be, just like any day can be.
August 21, 2020
We are going to be in this thing for a really long time because people either are not taking it seriously or not fully understanding it. That, and we have no cure. I am in a really safe, comfortable place with a husband and dog I love. My kids and their spouses are nearby. Everyone is OK. We are good. But we are trapped just like everyone else. Wondering. When will this end? Will this end? Or are we in a dystopian movie where the precursor is not a nuclear war, but just years of loneliness and decay?
June 29, 2020