Each evening, I have been photographing the view from the window in my room. The pandemic and the near-constant state of being cloistered indoors has me cherishing whatever little of the outside I have access to, and I find myself increasingly fascinated by the houses in the apartment complexes opposite with the light in their windows. They make wonderful patterns, every day a different one depending on who is home. It is an interesting and heartwarming activity to try to pick up bits and pieces of people's lives from what little I can see. I even feel something akin to friendship and camaraderie towards some of these homes, especially when it's really late at night and I see a house or two with its lights still on; it's like a murmur that reassures me that I'm not alone.
February 21, 2021
I'm tired. So tired. I don't know if I've had the time or the energy to process the fact that it's already been a year of this mess. I attended my first Zoom wedding yesterday, and two minutes after I logged on and I heard the music, saw my friends who were there on that screen, so far away, it hit me that we've lost so many of those moments this past year... I could not hold back the tears. It was a wedding we were supposed to attend in Mexico and that was postponed twice - in the end, they decided to have a small one instead with close family and local friends. It was going to be a reunion with our masters' friends from abroad. An occasion to go to Mexico to celebrate a milestone of a very dear friend, and meet her extended family. It just made me realize how much I have missed social interactions, particularly with friends, and the sheer loss of those special milestones. My husband's cousin missed her university graduation last year. All the birthdays in quarantine we had to celebrate without any friends or family.Although of course I was very moved by the celebration and happy for them (they looked so happy and in love!), it really pained me to miss it and to be left with live commenting on WhatsApp with our friends in common who were also supposed to attend, in my basement, all dressed up, while my husband was upstairs and taking care of the kids' bedtime. It wasn't supposed to be this way.
March 15, 2021