What's changed for me and my relationship to the world during the pandemic? I'm trying to train myself to look at things closely in a way I wouldn't if there weren't a pandemic. April 1, 2020: Photo 1 Sketch Caption: What we used to take for granted... Covid 19 Days: This head of broccoli with its curly-permed tips is always a staple but even more of a delicacy, now that it's hard to shop for food. Food items are more unique, highlighted because they're hard to get. April 3, 2020 Photo 2 Sketch Caption: Aloe plant has had a good windowsill winter...and ready to go outside soon. Covid days
March 3, 2023
I guess I'd say it's more of a LACK of government policies that impacts my life the most. Our state & local governments have resisted the restrictions at every turn. This is a red state in capital letters RED. Our governor who at least occasionally tried to do the right thing had much of her power stripped by our conservative legislature. Those things will have impact in the future as well as during this time. At the moment we needed leadership the most, these people have let politics Trump the welfare of our people. I'm ashamed to live in my home state. I just can't afford to move anywhere else at this late stage in my life.
July 9, 2021