This week, I went to a place that I call "the Secret Garden." I hadn't been there in a while, but I brought a friend, and we had a nice time walking around the beautiful grounds. The apple tree is brimming with apples, and we picked a few and sat on a bench and talked. It's the simple things in life that make me the happiest. Being in nature is the best.
August 13, 2021
Earlier this week, I spoke with my grandmother who lives in California. Both of my aunts are living with her, and I was so disappointed that the eldest of the two aunts threw herself a party with 40 people. It was not a significant birthday, but she hired a DJ, caterers, and made people throw petals into the pool. She also invited people that she wasn't particularly close to. My grandmother is over 80 years old and I thought the party was so irresponsible. Unless my aunt checked everyone's card, there is no proof that everyone who showed up was vaccinated. Additionally, the delta variant was already in LA when she had the party. They said the rates were low, but it was irresponsible to have a large gathering with such a dangerous variant. You can still catch COVID and experience symptoms even with the vaccine. I don't want that for my grandmother. My grandmother also said that she went out with an unvaccinated friend. I am disappointed in all of them. They all put themselves and my grandmother at risk.
July 9, 2021