Drawing our little made on a thank-you card to his grandparents for Chanukah presents and our Thanksgiving visit. Took him about three days to draw and color. In thanking his grandparents, he also wrote: "It was super nise of you to let us in your house." Love that kid...
December 21, 2021
The beginning of feeling normal was last week when I had to have a CT scan. I am vaccinated as was the outpatient nurse. We hugged one another as I was being escorted to my husband's car. She was the first person I have hugged, besides my husband, in more than a year. I almost wept. And even though I've been pretty sick since I had the second shot (may be coincidence) I got on the ferry into the city and had an outdoor lunch with a friend I hadn't seen for more than a year. It was the most normal thing I've done in all these months. I felt and do feel optimistic about our future, about the world's future. If we can just get everyone vaccinated I think there is a chance we might get past this. I guess the "if" is a very big word right now. I continue to wear a mask when outside the house and in public spaces. There is a lightness in the air that hasn't been apparent for such a long time.
April 5, 2021