March 29, 2020 Two sketches Photo sketch #1: Caption: Brown bananas Photo sketch #2: Caption: Mask that I wear to go outside and grocery shop. Some outside shopping was necessary. I drew the mask because I wanted to remember what these days were like, when I look back.
January 12, 2021
I'm still just home with my husband. I haven't seen another human other than from a large distance. My husband's full immunity kicked in yesterday. So we're both VERY happy about that. I don't have my 2nd Fauci ouchie yet, so I'm running a bit behind. However, I'm making lists of places I'm planning to go as soon as my time comes! One happy bit of news is that my older sister has made airline reservations to come visit us in May. So there is optimism in the air.
March 18, 2021