I wanted to capture the hollow, tunnel-like feeling that we sometimes may feel during this time. Down the rabbit-hole like Alice in Wonderland - except the rabbit-hole never ends. You are caught in-limbo, tumbling through the different scenarios, but never land firmly into any of them. Its also the void, the darkness in the distant getting closer.
July 8, 2020
I have not worked in the past year. I have applied to jobs. I have had interviews. I have not received any offers. In recent months I have felt too depressed to apply for work. I am afraid of the rejection. I am afraid that people will and do think I'm too old. I am afraid that I have reached the end of my working life with good jobs. I am afraid that the best I can hope for will be the Amazon warehouse. I am sad to think that I may never have enough money to retire. I am sad to think that I will never have enough income to save for either retirement or vacations. I think owning a home is completely out of the realm of possibility for me now. I will rent for the rest of my life. I am embarrassed and ashamed of being unemployed. But my work history has been spotty and embarrassing for some time. I am afraid I will never have a chance at redemption. Redemption would be landing a good job, the last job, one that I enjoy, find suitably challenging, with opportunity to grow. I am afraid that is not longer possible for me. I am so depressed I don't know if or how I could convince someone to hire me.
March 19, 2021