Big lesson this week: stuff is just stuff. I was putting our kiddush cups away in the china cabinet when one flew out of my hand and smashed into the salt water dish that I had inherited from my Bubbe. Pre-pandemic me would have cried, found the glue, pieced it back together, prayed until Pesach that it would work, stressed over it not working, and cry some more. Post-pandemic....ooops, nope, guess we're not there yet! Pandemic-me takes a picture, sends a text to my mother with an "oh well" and tosses it in the trash. It's just a thing. Yes, it gave me joy. It helped me connect with my past, my traditions, and my family. But in the greater scheme of things, when everything is so scary and there's just a fine line between life and death, I'm not going to waste my time worrying about the fine lines in my now cracked salt water dish. No salt water, no tears. Just prayers that next year we can be together!
September 11, 2020
I have headaches almost evert day. I've never had migraines before, but people tell me that this is what I'm having. I almost always wake up with them, They are almost always in the right side of my head starting from my temple and parked right behind my eye, and they last ALL DAY! No matter what I take for them, or what I do they won't go away. I'm guessing that they are from stress because I clench my teeth all the time. I worry. I worry about my kids. I worry about my wife. I worry about our money situation and about the gross amount of overtime I'm working right now. I know that makes no sense, but it's a true thing as irrational as it is. I just don't get it. My wife and I will be getting my first dose of the immunization next week. I hope that helps.
March 20, 2021