May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
One Obstacle that I have faced during this Pandemic is Lack of Sleep, because I was thinking about how the virus started and if there will be a quick solution to this problem. It has been so stressful to say the least! My mental state was so fuzzy, due to thinking about how life would be If I got sick with COVID. Things will not be the same.This lack of sleep or insomnia had an effect on my studies. I was used to being physically present on the college campus. This provided me with the surety that I could easily ask for clarity when I was unsure of the subject matter being taught. This opportunity was not readily available when I needed it. It was very difficult for me in the beginning, but my mother's words of encouragement pushed me along. I learnt to email my professors and wait for their response, sometimes which was not immediate.This is how I literally understood the phrase," Patience is Virtue". Indeed this was a lesson to learn the hard way.I prayed and worked very hard to get to this point!
August 21, 2020