This is a photo taken as I passed a bus on the street. I personally am too high risk to ride public transit in this pandemic, even if it were physically possible for me, but I found it interesting that the driver has a taped off section in front and riders are supposed to get in the back door. Other notes from.the week: Participating in Pandemic journaling project study feels good , to know I can contribute somehow to future understanding of this crazy time. Has an effect on my writing because I know someone else might read it. ...
August 11, 2020
My kid. My kid is truly funny. She is such a lovely little weirdo and her comments, comic delivery and overall personality just make me laugh - that silent shaking laugh. I am also a goofy weirdo and have successfully passed on this gift to my kid:) Hopefully we can all still act normal when we are around other people - our little family pod is definitely a little nutty. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
April 8, 2021