My cat is due her rabies shot and is a requirement where i live in senior housing or I could be evicted from apartment My vet requires that I arrive by car and wait in car while they give cat shots and a checkup I DON’T HAVE A CAR. I posted the problem on a private Facebook group, which I created for my first cousins, and asked for help The cousin who volunteered Is my least favorite cousin but accepted the offer. Feel I have no choice .
August 21, 2020
I am currently concerned with what is happening with the Delta Variant. Everyone keeps discussing it as a ploy to hype up vaccinations because our President didn't meet his deadline of 70% on the Fourth of July. My husband and I are both vaccinated as are three of our five kids. Two of which are under 12 and I worry more about the pair of them then I do myself. Especially our 11 year-old who has special needs and Asthma. I am fearful that something will go wrong and that something will happen to him. He'll get sick, he's non-verbal and cannot tell us when something hurts or is wrong, so it is all a guessing game. If our guess is wrong, then I am sure you could probably understand the amount of worry that would coincide with this. Or even worse, what if he gets it, ends up in the hospital, and we cannot be there with him? I do I deal with that? Or what if he gets it and dies from it? I would never be able to function normally ever again if I lost my child. Especially when there are things that you can do to lower your risk. Not completely eradicate it but to definitely lower it. This makes me angry when people discuss or say that they aren't getting the vaccine. And then list off all of these reasons why they won't. Half of which are all debunked misinformation that they obtained second hand or through an invalid source. Or even better yet, that the government is doing it to control them. Look if the government actually wanted to control you, they would and you'd have no way out of it. I guess my anger and issues are that I don't see why others always put themselves first when there are so many people that need to be protected. I gladly got vaccinated. Not just for my own health, but for the people that I love and for the people that other people love. You have to stop seeing it as a control and understand that the best thing that you can do is help someone else. I also got pretty upset with my own father this week when he proudly stated, "Well I have been vaccinated so I can't get it." This... This is the problem and I made sure to tell him so. Especially with all of his health issues that puts him and his age at the top bracket of HIGH RISK. You can always get something regardless of if you have been vaccinated for it. That vaccine is supposed to reduce the effect the virus or whatever is decreased so you do not become so increasingly sick that you could potentially die from it. This is the point that SEVERAL people are not understanding. So what does he do? Well I am vaccinated so I can go out (anywhere I damn well please), cough into my hand instead of my elbow, touch everything and then touch my face, food, etc. Come over to my house and touch everything and my kids faces... It's just a never ending struggle of OCD cleaning that has me so stressed out that I want to kick everyone to the curb. Clean your hands, cough in your elbow, drink lots of water, make smart choices, and stop hoarding stupid insignificant stuff!
July 12, 2021