We are having a hard time getting back to a normal tech-life balance in our house. Screens have been such an exaggerated part of our lives for a long time now. With lockdowns and things being closed and playdates so infrequent, as well as digital school for a while, we've let technology like video games and Netflix take a larger role in our daily life than we normally would have. Everyone has just gotten used to that as the default entertainment option. It can be hard to even remember what we did all day during the summer before the pandemic. We are working on breaking bad habits like binge watching and cycling from 1 screen to another, but the number of hours we all find ourselves using tech is still pretty high. Especially on a rainy day like today.
July 15, 2021
The delta variant has me really scared. I live in a highly transmissible area of the country and am immunocompromised. As it is, I am still dealing with an extreme allergic reaction to an infusion I had back in June so am not in the best of spirits. It's been difficult to get appointments to get this problem solved. And I just learned this afternoon that a close friend has tested positive for covid. We had our vaccinations together back in March. She says she is doing fairly well but I am still worried about her. She's worried about me because we spent time together at the end of last week. It's all pretty depressing and scary.
August 4, 2021