This is a vax site near my house. It's been there all week and been empty like this. This makes me so sad. And angry. We (USA) are sitting on so many vaccines and people here are not taking them, while all over the world people need them. My sister in the UK JUST got her first shot and has to wait until Sept for #2. My friends in Spain, still waiting for theirs. A friend in Ireland still not vaxxed. Never mind what's unfolding in Latin America and what's about to hit Africa (Can you say Delta Variant?). I can't wait for the vaccines to receive full authorization so that places can mandate them. Methodist Medical in Houston did the right thing, terminating the employees who wouldn't take it. Medical workers not getting the vaccine!!! Crazy!
June 22, 2021
Watching the pandemic turn into a political question just drives me insane. What should just have been a fact of life became a marker of your political philosophy, and probably made me more of a moderate than I was prior. Those one the right are being reckless with their lives and those around them by denying the virus and not taking precautions because that’s what “free” people do. On the other hand, those on the left that turned mask wearing into virtue signaling and wanting to force people to get vaccines isn’t right either. It just creates a horrible chasm that makes it really hard for medical workers, public health officials, and those of us who have to care for the dead to do our jobs to save lives and keep society running. I don’t know that this could have played out any differently though - all these ingredients already existed, but there’s nothing like a pandemic to be the catalyst for societal upheaval. It was bound to happen regardless; more a question of how and when rather than if.
April 18, 2021