... what better way to describe this week than look at how the new bull is growing. His one year old and what a year it’s been. I’m wondering how I’ll feel when we get the all clear... I am so used to avoiding, to isolating, to being safe.... I see videos of old people getting blindsided and knocked down - a new wave of hate crimes. We like to travel. We’re not Asian, or Jewish, or any other targeted group, but we are older. I’m not sorry Trump and Rush are gone... both made bullying and name calling ok... more than ok... Acceptable? Expected? We tolerated it... How we can expect our young people (well, all of us) to seriously address bullying when we allow and even encourage it in adults, and from our so called leaders. Those men may be out of sight, but there’s others who are waiting to step up, especially in the name of “entertainment”. We’ll know we are serious about addressing bullying when it means facing danger because you and a large farm animal are in close proximity probably because you chose not to stand behind a fence in a farm yard, and not because you are making some pronouncements over the airwaves or on social media.
March 15, 2021
My grandma suffers from mental health before the pandemic started because she was in a bad car accident. The pandemic has made her feel more alone than she ever has and it is heartbreaking to listen to my grandma cry out about being lonely. As my grandparents get older I want to spend more time with them and this whole pandemic has made it hard. I work in a grocery store so I come in contact with hundreds of people in a day, I could not live with myself if I gave them COVID-19 and killed them so I try to reduce contact or stay away from them. This hurts my heart probably more than it hurts theirs. I still reach out to them and tell them I love them but it is not the same. For my mom, she has prior health issues and she is a big lady. I was scared for her more than anyone in my family because she can't breath with a mask on, but on the flip side will die if she catches COVID-19. We actually built her a mask with a breathing machine attached to it. This is a very scary thought for my mom to have that if she catches COVID-19 she has slim chances of surviving. Because of this she has been dieting and trying to get her health under order. Thank you.
April 24, 2021