It has been over two weeks since I received my second Moderna vaccine but am still scared to get on public transportation.The guy in this photo has been taking public transportation all year during the pandemic and is still alive and walks by my apartment on his way to the bus stop every week. Still I’m not sure it’s safe even though recently the public transit system ... issued a mask mandate instead of a mask recommendation order. We also received notice in my senior apartment building this week that we can have a few visitors. Until now we niece only been allowed a wellness check by one friend or family member. The numbers of COVID cases in [town] are falling and are at the lowest level since the pandemic began a year ago, Some of our amenities have opened beck up, like the beauty shop, computer room, exercise room, game room and community room. We are still told to wear masks outside our apartments but not everyone does and half of those who do have it below their noses.
February 28, 2021
Things are looking up lately. I got my first vaccine shot and will get my second one in about a week, and my daughter's dad got his too, so we are feeling a little more like life is approaching something livable. My daughter started soccer, I joined a gym (all outdoors!) and we've had an outdoor playdate with some friends. All of these small things add up to a big boost in our outlook. I also started therapy and that's been a huge relief. Amazing how tangled up my emotions and my thinking became over the last year. I really needed a way forward and therapy has been even more helpful than I expected. Overall, doing well. My co-worker has family in India and she is really struggling with what they are going through, so there's always that other side that reminds you that there is still a raging pandemic and even though we are feeling positive, there's still a ways to go. Humanity is in such a weird place right now. It's worrisome, but the best I can do is model positivity, kindness, and empathy so that my daughter doesn't fret or feel powerless. It's not always easy but thankfully it's getting easier.
April 24, 2021