I make a point of living a life that focuses on beauty that can be found in each day. I try not to actively worry about COVID on a daily basis at this point. I could lose sleep every night nursing my fears related to the outcome of the upcoming US presidential election, massive new virus outbreaks at schools and universities, inadequate hospital staff and medical supplies and more. I could be a bigger emotional wreck about how this fall and winter may turn out, if I let myself, but I do not. I cannot. I try to keep my fears about COVID focused on my own life versus expanding my anxiety out into a vast universe of infinite worry. Thus, I would say that my greatest fear regarding COVID centers around me or any family member contracting COVID and surviving, but then suffering long term, permanent debilitating effects, despite having almost no pre-existing health conditions. Currently healthy as an ox (and challenged only with minor, exercise induced asthma), I do not believe that this virus would kill me or my immediate family. (My parents, close to 80-years old, may be a different story). I am less, sure about whether we would escape the pernicious health effects that so many appear to struggle with long after the active virus is gone. A notion exists that COVID manifests as an intense cold for non-senior healthy people and then disappears altogether “like the flu but just worse.” I have read too many stories written by real people that indicate otherwise. Involved in various online running and triathlete groups, I have read posts that previously strong athletes have made about their experiences with COVID that indicate that healthy people can suffer permanent internal damage. “In 2019 I completed my third Ironman. Now, I struggle to catch my breath after going up one flight of stairs, still, 5 months later. I have since sold my tri-bike because I think my racing days are over,” someone said. A different person in her early 30s said that she and her family are still dealing with neurological issues 19 weeks after getting her first COVID symptoms. NPR reported a story uncovering the existence of ”long-haulers"—younger, previously healthy people who are sick for months with a low level of COVID 19. They may experience effects like bouts of fatigue, memory issues (and more) that existing COVID tests do not detect. In addition to dealing with debilitating conditions, long-haulers report experiencing difficulty getting proper, COVID-related healthcare. Because their symptoms extend beyond those commonly associated with the virus, healthcare providers do not always even believe these patients have COVID. I do not want this to be ME! I place a PREMIUM on being in top-notch health and have made every proactive attempt at keeping myself strong and fit, seven-days a week. Being fit is an essential part of my identity and lifestyle. I aim for lifetime participation in activities like running, swimming, lifting and yoga. These things are vital in keeping me mentally and emotionally healthy and happy as a productive member of society. I fear that COVID could possibly impair the quality of my life permanently, leaving me less active and more prone to anxiety and depression for many years to come. Hopefully, my fears will remain in my head and will have no basis in reality.
August 27, 2020
Seriously? In Scotland, we have been under a hard government lockdown for FOUR MONTHS. The entire country shut down on 26 December 2020 and IS STILL SHUT DOWN AS I WRITE ON 23 April 2021. I struggle to make my American friends and relatives appreciate the strictness and length of this lockdown. All sports facilities, cinemas, theatres, restaurants, bars, churches, hairdressers, barbers, libraries, coffee shops, and all retail except homewares & groceries, ARE CLOSED. EVERYTHING has been closed for FOUR SOLID MONTHS. You have to wear a mask to go to the supermarket. (No mask, no supermarket.) You drop your pet outside the vet and sit in your car. Universities are teaching remotely. You can order takeaway, but you are not allowed inside to pick it up - it is handed to you through a hatch or dropped outside the door. We are not allowed to travel outside our local area. We are not allowed to cross the border into England. If we fly internationally, when we return to Scotland we will be met at the gate by a security agent who will escort us to a quarantine hotel, where we will stay for 10 days, at our own expense, before being allowed back into the country. Up until two weeks ago, we were not allowed to meet outside in groups of more than 2 people from 2 different households. (Now we are allowed to visit, outside, with up to six people from 2 different households - I think - the numbers change weekly.) The one exception to this hard lockdown has been that our schools are open. The children have been back in school for most of this academic year. It is very interesting to me, and a little baffling, that we have managed to keep our schools open but shut down everything else - it feels a bit like the opposite has happened in the USA. But that's just an impression. We are "opening" on Monday, 26 April 2021. This means that pubs and resataurants will be open, for OUTSIDE seating only, until 8.00 p.m. And we will be allowed to visit with more people OUTSIDE. And retail shops and gyms and hairdressers will be open again, with social distancing measures in place. And we will be allowed to cross the border into England, though international travel is still unavailable. Even with this gradual opening, we will still be in lockdown.
April 24, 2021