Why is everything so hard? This week, a friend came out to visit. She didn't even stay with us, but the visit was exhausting, expensive, and time consuming. Have I forgotten how to be social? This photo is from Meow Wolf in Santa Fe. She said it was the best thing she did on her trip, so I was happy about that. But to me the day was stressful and unnerving at the same time. Too much of my mental space is taken up with comparing how things used to be, pre-Covid, and how they are now. It seems like everything before was easy and cheap. Going out now there are roadblocks and barriers. It's aggravating, but of course there is no going back. I have to figure out how to be grateful and happy to be able to do things at all.
June 25, 2021
My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 3 months in to the pandemic. My father-in-law died and mother-in-law quickly followed by dying of Covid 3 months later. No funerals. These have been very hard on my two kids (23 and 27). The 27-year old is in med-school and spent 6 months living with me last year and doing her rotations on-line. The other was a barrista in Brooklyn at some hipster cafe where the owner didn’t put up plexiglass shields because “he has an aesthetic Mom”. “How about a coffin? Ya think he’ll like that aesthetic?” She just had to deal with it because she needed to live and that’s what was available. Both of them have had increasing anxiety and depression, and, yet continue marching through their lives like so many other young people whose plans were derailed.
May 4, 2021