The last couple of weeks have been very exciting for me! I got my degree and a week later I got offered a band 5 NHS Podiatry job! I am both excited and nervous about this new chapter in my life. ... I am sad to leave Edinburgh as it has been my home for the last 4 years as a student, it is where I met so many great people and I feel as though it is now my second home. I just cannot believe 4 years are over! ... The picture I have uploaded is right on my doorstep, literally! ... Lots of people travel to go on holiday up here, which at the moment is a bit annoying. I know we are moving through the stages and it is technically allowed, it is still anxiety inducing however to suddenly see more people in this very rural area. I wish people were more aware and conscientious of the fact that these "holiday destinations" are peoples homes.
July 29, 2020
I am thrilled to proclaim that I am now fully vaxxed! While it does feel like a victory and a vast relief, I do worry about my hesitation to full re-integrate into life. I still keep a solid 6 feet between myself an the neighbors who pop by to chat outside. And I felt very twitchy the other day at an outdoor crafts festival, when a group of people came to close to me. I question if I have lost my sense of reality. Rationally, I know I am protected. But a part of me flinches and balks and still wants to lay low, conducting work business via Zoom, keeping a low at-home profile. Often, I wonder how many others are experiencing this?
May 5, 2021