A history professor in our town has a tradition of making elaborate, thought-provoking Halloween displays. This year, he -- and his friends and family, media reports share -- tackled both #BLM and COVID-19, as well as the death of RBG. My family and I went for a walk over the weekend to check it out. It's impossible to capture the full display in a single photo, but I've tried to snap a few. Media reports -- local and national -- capture a bit more. For example: A Connecticut man's Halloween display features real-life horrors: The coronavirus and Black lives lost https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/01/us/connecticut-man-halloween-covid-blm-trnd/index.html West Hartford family's annual Halloween display tackles BLM, COVID-19 https://www.wfsb.com/news/west-hartford-familys-annual-halloween-display-tackles-blm-covid-19/article_b22f79a0-0724-11eb-97fd-5f5558807e19.html
October 7, 2020
Most of my friends have gotten the vaccines, and keep asking me if I got mine. I am avoiding making an appointment, mainly because I am afraid of what might happen to me. I live alone, and worry that I wouldn't be able to get help. Also, I feel like the ones who have gotten vaccinated don't want to be around me, and I don't feel safe being around anyone. I just feel torn about what is the right thing to do - not sure if I can trust what the government is telling us.
May 10, 2021