April 7, 2021
April 7, 2021
My son went back to daycare this week for the first time since March 2020. That's 15 months we spent at home with him all day EVERY day. We spent the week before talking about how going back to daycare would change things: waking up earlier, going to bed earlier, wearing masks all day, seeing each other for fewer hours each day. We're all a bit sad about that last one, but after his first day back at school, I was so excited to see him when he got home. Having some space to actually get work done during the day (and to not worry about meeting my son's every need all day) made my time with him so much more joyful. We heard the vaccine for small children may be available this fall, and we are so excited at the thought of finally having our entire household fully vaccinated. Trick or treating could come back this fall! We could have Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families! We could hug our friends and families again without hesitation! I have so much hope right now, which I know in these times can be dangerous. But it feels so good to be hopeful!
May 12, 2021