...despite CoVid ramping up there seems an air of calm about. Friends are getting the vaccine....and I’m watching videos of cows getting their hooves trimmed... so mundane... no longer scouring the news for whatever alternate fact had grabbed hold of the alternate news that seeped into an alternate universe that felt like it could explode at anytime... and it did eventually on Jan 6, threatened again for Jan 20th and yet a smooth transition minus the tradition of one President acknowledging the next. It’s nice to have grownups back in charge... what still waits to be seen is whether the bullies of the defeated can actually reconcile the fact that it is a new and different game...
February 15, 2021
I heard on a podcast a while back that after the 1918 pandemic, culturally, not a lot changed. There was maybe one book about it, but it didn't really infiltrate popular culture the way that wars, or other horrific mass deaths might. I can see that happening in real time now, just in how easily things have shifted into this next phase. Suddenly we don't have to wear masks anymore? Or like, CDC says we don't, state of CA says we still do, vaccinated or not. This does not instill a ton of confidence in the CDC for me. I did finally get my first dose last week. New England Journal of Medicine had some promising data to share, at least for people getting the shot in their third trimester. I am solidly second trimester, but I'll be approaching 3rd by the time I get shot #2. Not as close as I would have liked, but I guess I feel better having done it. Some days I feel very bad about it, like this morning, when I read that WHO is definitely NOT recommending it for pregnant people unless they're at serious risk. I don't consider myself at serious risk, but I guess I will be once the boy is in preschool? My friend is trying to convince me to come visit her down south. This would involve a plane. Even fully vaccinated, it seems reckless for a super pregnant lady to get on a plane unless there is a very very good reason. I am trying to decide if my reason is good enough. I'm not sure it is. Once again finding myself sort of wishing I could believe this is all a 'scamdemic' and that everyone is overreacting and just go about my life like some solipsistic maniac. Alas...
May 22, 2021