Got together with friends inside without masks. Decorated gingerbread houses. Kids hung out together all day just playing video games, laughing just being together. We all went together to the town’s Xmas tree lighting. During the event which was crowded with happy people and little kids running around my husband and I talked about the new variant. I thought this post was going to just be about joy but we were looking at all of the happy faces and said to ourselves “enjoy it now.” I hope that this isn’t our “June 2021” when we felt free again and then were slammed with Delta. I have not really thought about what we have lost due to COVID. I have tried to focus more on what it has given us. Time together before my child turns into a teenager. But now see that joy - all of that together time with friends and family - has been paused.. I am still ok with that but the thought of another year of isolation or at least another year like this one is absolutely dreadful Now that we know what it’s like. Now that we have been reminded of what we miss.
December 2, 2021
Luckily, since Biden and Harris have been in office I have been able to disconnect myself a bit from the news. It feels good. Feels feels like a moment in time when I can breathe again. Where I don’t have to be glued to the television to find out what is happening next. Maybe it is also having some distractions, some regularity, some patterns in our weekly routines. Whatever it is, it makes it harder to keep going with pandemic life. There is a part of me that wants to put it all behind me... not the precautions so much, but the heavy gloom. I’m ready to enjoy the sunshine and the breeze, mask off.
May 27, 2021