I got vaccined!!
January 13, 2021
I feel more burned out after going on vacation than I did before. Now that we're back in town, we're making it a point to get ahold of vaccinated babysitters and do more fun things as a couple. Who knows how long we'll feel safe to do anything? The delta variant is very worrying, and I just can't wait until my son can be vaccinated. We'll never be able to "unclench" completely until that happens. I'm still going to the gym, even though I'm less confident than I was before that it's entirely safe. The benefits of getting out and working up a sweat have just been so great, I don't want to give it up. My employer just announced that we'll need to provide proof of vaccination in order to come in to the office, and I think that's great. The key to getting as many people vaccinated as possible is to make not-doing it harder than doing it. Our numbers are still low, but slowly ticking up. I can't bear the thought that we could have a third wave.
July 23, 2021