I grew up in ... MI and then moved to Vermont when I married in 1968. After a divorce and retirement about 5 years ago, a voice in my head said “go home”. I now live a block from the house I was born in. I feel like a homing pigeon. I wonder if I had a premonition as I feel like this is where I feel safest during a pandemic ..near family and home ground,
June 5, 2021
I feel too depressed to write today. Things don't work out for me lately. I am not sure it is because of the pandemic. But it doesn't help that there is so much depression around. Friends, family, neighbors, the humus-seller in the square nearby, my children's teachers, a taxi driver I talked to, a supermarket worker - some lost their jobs or parts of it, all are very worried. A couple from my children's school is getting divorced. it is not because of the pandemic, but the months at home made the problems too clear to ignore. maybe that is also what happens to me.
July 29, 2020