Ever since school began, I basically have been stuck in my room, unable to go outside and enjoy the weather since I have many classes during the day, and assignment deadlines that fall just after sunset. I feel trapped even though I still have the ability to go outside, so the panes in my window almost feel like prison bars that frame the beauty of the outdoors that I’m missing most days.
October 2, 2020
Now that the world is opening up, I am revisiting projects I was planning in February of 2020. These include cleaning out our garage and giving unneeded items to charity. As a follow-up to that, having a ramp built in the garage so that my disabled spouse has easier access to the house. The cleaning out the garage project was completed last week. Now - today- the ramp is being built for my husband's benefit and use. I am over the moon that the garage is now in an organized uncluttered state and that the walker/wheelchair ramp will be a reality by tomorrow. These projects have been hanging over my head for over a year.
June 8, 2021