Esta semana mejoré mucho. Solamente el sábado tuve ese dolor, como un cuchillo que corta el pulmón derecho y no deja pasar el aire. Pero una bolsa de agua caliente logró hacerlo desaparecer por completo. Pude respirar. El domingo nos visitó brevemente mi primo Juan Carlos y su familia. En este momento, su esposa está esperando un bebé. Nos llevó un ramo de flores: uno para mí y otro para mi mamá. Esas flores me alegraron mucho. Es el tipo de detalles que me alegra el día. En la foto está el ramo de hierberas. Le tengo mucho cariño a Juan Carlos porque lleva el nombre de mi hermano que murió. Es algo lindo recibir un detalle así, inesperado. Reconozco que me he quedado con una capacidad respiratoria limitada. Acciones que no me producían fatiga, ahora me cuestan. Pero muchas cosas mejoraron: mi salud, la cuestión económica y una que otra cosita por ahí que me ilusiona. Para mí, eso es un gran avance. Tengo mucha fe en que el parto de la esposa de mi primo se llevará a cabo de forma normal, sin ningún tropiezo. Pienso que es un gran reto enfrentar una situación de vida así en este contexto de pandemia. Espero que como familia lo logren superar con tranquilidad y seguridad.
September 13, 2020
In the face of several family crises at once, where I found myself literally running and doing as much and as fast as I could to take care of two people in crisis, here's the important thing that happened: I remembered that God (or the great spirit or nature or whatever, call it life - I'm still unsure) well I remembered, I found out (again) that just because I think I'm old enought to be done with major troubles in my life, I'm not. There's things I need to learn, and I am being called to rise to occasions I thought I'd never have to again face, or am facing for the first time ever. No one has died, or been seriously injured. The crises and changes may ultimately lead to progress and new understandings. Or maybe not, and I'll have to accept that new reality. So ok. I do have support, loving husband, and family and friends. I'm safe, most of my relatives are safe and healthy. It could be much worse, but as a friend said recently, its not "the pain Olympics," meaning who had the most pain to go through "wins" the prize for most stressed. Also I remember another friend who said that I don't have to dismiss what I'm going thru just because others have it so much worse. Yes, count my blessings. Ok. But it's also ok to understand that a whole lot is being asked of me right now.
June 14, 2021