Hola, los saluda _____ Esta vez estaba en el aeropuerto Internacional El Dorado, en ma ciudad de Bogotá, viajé por trabajo. Quiero que observen las medidas de seguridad que nos pusieron. Debemos presentarnos 2 horas antes y subir los resultados a la aplicación corona app, con el tiquete aéreo y esto nos sirve como tiquet de ingreso al aeropuerto. Hicieron que me quitara hasta los zapatos y me revisaron todo el bolso. Fue un viaje donde nos sentaron por filas en el avión y tal cual bajamos. Ojalá siempre fuera así. Fue más rápido
November 9, 2020
I've been in such a strange transitional state lately. I got my second dose of Pfizer in April, but I'm still wary. Every time I see someone without a mask I wonder if they're truthfully vaccinated or just taking advantage (and putting themselves and others at risk in the process). I feel like my mask is a baby blanket. I don't really need it, and I don't wear it at work or with family and friends I know are protected, but I like to keep it on in stores. It just seems polite. Then again, it makes me wonder if people then believe I am not vaccinated. Such a paradox. I don't know when my faith in people got so inverted. And I still have a knee-jerk negative reaction when I see pictures on my instagram feed or on television of large groups all maskless. Logically, I must assume they are protected, but it's hard to feel sure unless I'm told explicitly. Just seems like an awkward time around here. Especially when I listen to NPR every day and hear about all these countries where people are dying by the thousands, and won't have access to the vaccines for maybe years. I am at once guilty and grateful. Furious too, with conspiracy theorists who smugly reject what other people are so desperate for, and the astounding lack of compassion and leadership around us. I am constantly reminded that the famous line, "may you live in interesting times," is a curse, not a blessing.
June 12, 2021