Something worrisome now is we are having a drought and a heat wave. Weve gone from a state of emergency of the pandemic to replacing it with wild fires. The province is on fire right now … a whole town burnt down s week ago.i tell you its been one thing after another this last 18 months. All the bad things going on: 1. Overdose crisis 2. Covid pandemic 3. Terrible smoke in august 2020 due to wildfires in California, Washington and Oregon 4. Moths by the 1000’s 5. Drought in July 2021 6. BC Wildfires in 2021 Its bad having to deal with so many things at once.
July 23, 2021
The vaccination rates are depressing in my county and it shows in the CDC transmission rates. With a family member getting chemo and a very frail 98 FIL I am still skipping my YMCA tai chi and swimming classes and miss my friends who are still going there. I am getting increasingly impatient with these anti-vax types who are keeping our transmission levels at the high levels. When the levels go down to moderate, I will be able to return to a normal life - finally! .Talking to people on LinkedIn etc., there are some interesting long term consequences that might make this whole pandemic experience worthwhile. It is heartening that people have resisted returning to sub-living wage jobs with no benefits and companies are being forced finally to pay something closer to a living wage. That is a good thing because frankly, as a taxpayer, I am damn tired of subsidizing companies’ slave wages requiring rental, food, and Medicaid supplements. Frankly a company that can’t pay their people a living wage shouldn’t be hiring anyone. Taxpayers shouldn’t be subsidizing slave wages in the 21st century. So if the capital equation rebalances to treat employees as human beings fora change that can only improve life for all of us as a society.
June 14, 2021