At the beginning of the pandemic, i stocked up with a healthy assortment of books from the library, from friends, and from my own collection which I intended to read or re-visit I did get through some of them, but I also fell into the bad habit of doomscrolling the news -- reading the endless parade of articles about politics, shortages, restrictions, deaths, the progression of the disease across the nation -- and finding myself unable to concentrate on books on paper i wish I'd committed to a limit on reading articles online and reserving a space for reading books Looking back, my time was better spent adding to the list of books I've read, instead of the amorphous blur of worrisome thoughts and dire warnings that constituted the daily online onslaught. I understand why I did it, but I'd do it differently today
December 10, 2021
7/20 Average cases in my county last 7 days: 10. Test positivity rate 1.86%. Cases per 100K people 5.87. County beds used 3.38% hospital, 9.56% ICU. S first normal workday back in the office. I was lonely but did ok. 7/21 S first day back at the gym. Average cases last 7 ds: 11. Test positivity rate 2.16%. Cases per 100K people 6.83. County beds used 3.54% hospital, 10.11% ICU. 7/22/21 Average cases last 7 days: 10, dropped. Test positivity rate 2.22%. Cases per 100K people 6.95. County beds used 3.71% hospital, 11.14% ICU. 7/23/21 Had to get up early for s gym Exhausted. Squabble about masks. Just feel overwhelmed. T's wife is doing worse and talking to him was tiring. Average cases last 7 days: 13. Test positivity rate 2.28%. Cases per 100K people 7.79. County beds used 3.92% hospital, 12.07% ICU. 7/24/21 Beautiful sweet shabbat together County beds used 4.16% hospital, 12.83% ICU. My synagogue had cautiously started having preplated communal food at lunchtime (kiddush) after services but no longer for now. I don't actually understand people wanting to go sit in a room together and sing, even masked, when unvaccinated children are present, given the level of community transmission. Y who is a doctor posts on Facebook that delta variant can be transmitted in 5-10 seconds and you can transmit it outside. A public health official friend tells me to stop trying to impose my own risk thresholds because the local health department will close the pool if it's not safe. 7/26/21 Average cases last 7 days: 16. Test positivity rate 2.28%. Cases per 100K people 8.15. County beds used 4.67% hospital, 14.01% ICU. 7/27/21 Pain group crowded, lot of hard stuff for folks Average cases last 7 days: 16. Test positivity rate 2.63%. Cases per 100K people 9.47. County beds used 4.94% hospital, 14.18% ICU.
July 28, 2021