Before the pandemic, I had begun to hike every Sunday with a group of four friends. Although Covid-19 hit New Mexico hard and early, the state government did not prohibit hiking in small groups, so we were able to continue to hike together. We've hiked many trails, familiar and novel, throughout the year. It has been mentally, physically, and socially stabilizing. We've noticed more people out on the trails as well. Sometimes we see folks out on the trail with their dogs, or children; on horseback; on bicycles; or like us, just walking along. Some people wear masks while hiking and some do not. We are grateful every week to be able to enjoy the natural resources in New Mexico and especially the Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, City and County Open Space and other government administrators and workers who have kept the trails open and maintained.
February 22, 2021
"... Absent from news cycles are the stories of how COVID is impacting people living in the aftermath of COVID-19 and how it's affecting families and will resonate for generations to come. People who deny the truth of science and experts because it doesn't align with their political ideology is sickening. ..."
June 29, 2020