This is my cart from Costco. I spent over $500 buying things we don't need, things we won't use, things we shouldn't have, and a few items from my list that we actually DO need or want. It was hard to push! I definitely had buyer's remorse as I approached the check-out line (but was too intimidated to share or go put anything back). I was also stress-shopping as a family member (not in my home) was in the hospital so I was (and am) worried. Every time I go to the store I buy as much of everything as I am allowed, especially canned beans, toilet paper, paper towel, chicken, bread, and more. I hope this doesn't become a problem for us.
July 6, 2020
... I have a little brother that just graduated from elementary school is going to middle school. In my opinion it’s going be difficult for them to learn. It’s not the same thing as in person when the teacher explain and helps them to understand. This is new for them more that they are going to a new school and don’t know their teachers. They don’t know how to do it on the computer where to go. It’s good that children have friends so they can ask them for help if they having trouble in any homework they have.
July 31, 2020