This is a picture I took while sitting at the Belfast City airport 6 hours early because the 24 hour PCR test I took was lost by the lab and I had to get to the airport early to pay for another test - this time a rapid antigen. There are no customer service agents around until 2 hours before your flight while several people sit around waiting for their COVID test results.I was struck by the UK’s expediency in getting free tests to people. Little did I know that I would come home to CT and find people indifferent to Omicron - no mask mandate - and no tests to be found!
January 5, 2022
In March, over the course of a few days, all my activities were cancelled. Hospice work with my dog, ESL tutoring, mah jongg with girlfriends, and more. ... And now Dad -- 97 years old and living with us instead of at the farm (which was sold) or at the senior living facility he expected to move to. I've never been so domestic. I'm trying to learn to love it. I should be so grateful that he is here -- and I am in a lot of ways -- but I feel sorry for myself more than I should. No help from sisters. Brother done with caring for him. None of them ask how we are doing with it. We're expected to carry on, carry on. And I can. But it's hard. And with all the chaos in the world -- climate change-related storms and fires, racial injustice -- sometimes I just want to curl up under the covers. This has been the hardest year for me EVER. We always said we lived a charmed life, and in many ways we still do. So I should just buck up and deal with it. But I want to cry a lot of times.
September 25, 2020