About the only people I see are places I go for food, like the farmers market. It’s usually a five minute chat but it means a lot to me, ....a friendly face, a real person . Most know my name by now as I go to the same places every week, the coffee shop, the bakery, the library, the market, the yoga studio juice bar. I’m scheduled for my second vaccine shot next week and hoping that will make me feel safe enough to get back in public transportation, as I;don’t have a car. This next week should be challenging as we have had a snow storm and are supposed to get polar vortex temperatures. I have stocked up on food as news reports have been warning us all week. Still being stuck inside sucks. Besides there is a bed bug outbreak in my senior apartment building which has me freaked out. There are four apartments near me with bed bugs and extermination treatments have not been successful yet. Another one was done on Tuesday and hoping this takes care of the problem.
February 15, 2021
Has anyone's mental health NOT suffered during this pandemic? Who hasn't experienced fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness, anger? It's been about 9 months since life was "normal." It's been 9 months since I ate in a restaurant, attended live services at my temple, or went shopping just for fun. It's been a year since I have seen my mom in person. I wear a mask for 8 hours a day. My mouth gets dry; my nose runs. There is no point in wearing makeup. No one can see my face. And just when I was starting to think that it was getting better, there is another surge.So yes, my mental health has changed. I am stressed, anxious, frustrated, depressed, angry, and very tired.
November 16, 2020