La navidad es una de mis épocas más importantes y favoritas del año. No importa cuanto tiempo pase, aún me emocionan los comerciales cuando promocionan los juguetes, haciéndome desear uno de todas formas. Los colores de las luces navideñas cuando salgo a ver las casas de mis vecinos y el olor característico que emana del viento exterior. Este año ha sido tan extraño y duro pero eso no impedirá que disfrute estas fechas. Aún no se que sucederá el 25 de diciembre, si la pasaré sola o, como siempre, en compañía de mi familia, lo único que se es que mi espíritu navideño aún no ha muerto.
December 14, 2020
I haven't been to a church service since things opened back up. There are still too many people in attendance. Since cases are surging, I am cautious about exposing myself to a large group of people. While I am grateful for Zoom and livestreaming, there is much that I miss about weekly worship. My small group changed the meeting time, and I can barely get home in time. I am not singing as much. I miss Communion. The communal aspect of my faith is a core component. This is the second Advent season that we haven't had daily reflections at work. I looked forward to how other workers integrated their faith and work with the readings from the Lectionary. There is a different feel to the week. I feel that just as m personal circle shrunk, so too has worship. I find that I have to turn to more solitary practices of faith.
December 8, 2020