Change in my life? Two “believing mirrors” died One a colleague artist The second like a brother Suddenly heart attacks March ‘20 October ‘20 Change for my life? I could no longer paint. However, May 20,2021 I picked up my brushes And birthed a watercolor. May the drought of creative spirit Pass - changing me once again Into my self before mirrored self. Reflecting my love For friends passed.
May 24, 2021
I was born during Polish “Stan wojenny” state of war period in early 80s when strict curfew was imposed. Now I find myself again in a country with strict curfew rules. For over a month now everyone in Quebec is forbidden to leave their house between 8pm and 5am. It’s not like I have anywhere to go, especially being a mom of 10 months old, but can’t shake off feeling imprisoned. I feel our apartment door locking. We are safe here. We have a full fridge, good wifi and uber eats on speed dial. And I still feel so trapped. My partner says even without the pandemic we would be stuck at home with the baby anyways, that our life would still be a lockdown. But he is a loner, who rarely meets up with any of his few friends. I used to have a big group of female friends around me, friends that could be visiting me now, bringing wine, much needed help with childcare and just good company. Instead we both stare at their respective screen: him overworking himself so he can keep his well paying, cushy tech job, me escaping my motherly duties to the world of pre-pandemic Law and Order. I tried to watch the “pandemic” season once - could not sleep for few days. If it’s real in Law and Order, it’s real everywhere. Also I would pause the episode all the time and complain about their lack of proper masking and social distancing.
February 28, 2021