We got our first snowfall in Vancouver. It puts me in the Christmas spirit! This year is going to be way better then last year.We get to celebrate with our adult children. Last year they weren't allowed in our house because we were locked down because of the virus. My big worry is the new variant its spreading in Canada … all I care about that we can be together on Christmas day. We are going to a friends for dinner this weekend. We are all fully vacinnated. One friend wasnt included because her and her husband arent vaccinated. There will be 5 other people so 7 total .. its a Christmas get together we have done every year except last year. We also are going to Van Dusen Gardens which is all decorated with over 1,000 000 lights. Its so pretty . You have to pay to get in and you have to be fully vaccinated. We are also going to LaFarge lake that is decorated with lights.its a way better year,this year. Last Christmas everything was cancelled. We got our turkey for Christmas day the prices are crazy they want $85 for a 10 pound bird. Its because of the floods we had in this province a lot of livestock drowned .
December 9, 2021
As I've mentioned before I am a recovering alcoholic. And it is by attending AA meetings, working the 12 steps of the program, and helping newcomers as they seek recovery from alcoholism that has helped keep me sober these past 11 years. The pandemic and the restrictions resulting from it have turned everything in Alcoholics Anonymous upside down. The meetings I attended we're either in a church meeting room or at AA meeting halls. When they closed most eventually transitioned to Zoom. However, we lost approximately forty to fifty percent of those who attended. Not sure why exactly but I've heard from some that they were not comfortable with the electronic format. Some were older and not able to make the switch. Many of those who have gone missing were good friends. We met weekly at meetings and then went out to dinner afterwards along with others in the group. Now we've been out of touch for over a year. They are in my prayers daily.
March 13, 2021