First day of school for my eldest daughter. They made a shorter ceremony than usual, only about 15 minutes. But at least we, the parents, got to enter the school yard and be with them when they released their balloons to the sky. My daughter was happy. She doesn’t doubt her powers, she entered school with peace and self-assurance. That made me sad, whether of my own disappointments or the ones that may come on her path.
September 2, 2020
Coronavirus is not going to go away. When this particular pandemic is over - five years from now, maybe? - the world will be better braced to cope with the next one. It's silly to imagine a world "after the coronavirus pandemic is over." It is a changed world and it will have to morph into something else. Perhaps a more slowly-paced world? It will be a more electronically connected world. I like to believe - I hope - that it will be a more socially conscious and aware world, with better safety nets and healthcare for the disadvantaged. I hope that the trials we are enduring today will help make the greater part of society aware of how interconnected we are and how much we need to help each other.
February 4, 2021