The public transportation system ... is reducing bus routes and will no longer let seniors ride their GoBus at the end of September. This is the transportation I use to get to dentist, doctor appointments and to grocery store. I have no car. The only people that will be allowed to ride GoBus are people who are certified disabled by the ... Area Transit System. As I have a mental health diagnosis of GAD and OCD, I am thinking about submitting my application for GoBus ridership. But am worried and mistrustful of the ... administration to keep this information confidential and give me a fair hearing. My only other option is the regular city buses which are a much higher risk for COVID exposure and I am in high vulnerability group due to my age and high blood pressure. While I have been able to do some food shopping locally within walking distance, I will not be able to access these food sources come winter the farmers market, cheese shop and bakery. So now I have both a transportation problem and a food access problem.
July 29, 2020
I've been thinking a lot this week about how I want to structure a new life living long term with the pandemic and my husband who has a chronic illness. We are even more restricted in our movements because of his immune system. He has been vaccinated but I'm not and won't be able to get a vaccine for many months. Our lives used to be filled with friends, activities, travel, and a feeling of freedom. Today, none of this exists. So, how do we want to live today? How can I enrich my life from my home?
February 20, 2021