A church near us has this message board up and usually it has been a sweet thing to glance at as we walk past--- names of people who are being prayed for, etc. These past few weeks people are scribbling over each other's messages and erasing each other's words, all about politics. I hate looking at it -- it's like an embodiment of our current situation, some people (only a few around here) yelling about how great Republicans are and others reacting with justified fury. I wish the church would just take away the chalk because there's nothing sweet about it now. During this pandemic we are all in a state of fury and terror all the time and our opportunities to connect are few and limited, and even a church chalkboard turns into polarized social media war.
October 14, 2020
The week has been a rather boring one by even pandemic/quarantine standards. I have just been in the house completing homework and relaxing for the most part. I haven't had much reason to leave the house and that can be rather depressing at times. However, my beautiful girlfriend makes the time seem to fly by. I guess if one is to be locked in a house or apartment, the best scenario is to at least be trapped with the person you can never get tired of. She has made this very uneventful week extremely relaxing and full of laughs. I still find myself nervous to contract the virus, yet I do not want to feel like a prisoner in my home. It feels closer to that as time goes on.
October 27, 2020