Today is the one year anniversary of my first Pfizer vaccine… and I am finishing day 5 of my covid quarantine. I have lived the last 2 years in fear of getting sick or spreading this virus. I am in healthcare and I am mentally exhausted. Over the past 2 weeks I have had multiple exposures at my work and in my personal life. Last Monday my boyfriend got sick. He tried to isolate but we live in a 700 sqft apartment. By Wednesday night I had an intense headache that I knew was probably Omicron. I called out of work Thursday and scheduled a PCR covid test. It has since been 5 days and still no test results. I am supposed to return to work tomorrow so I spent hours today searching for a home rapid test. Results: positive. In the time it took me to find a test I have fully completed my quarantine period (per updated CDC guidance). My symptoms were as follows: Day 0- intensive headache, sore throat, cough, SOV, SpO2 93-98%, max fever 99.8 F Day 1- Sore throat, cough, short of breath, body aches, chills, fatigue, max fever 101.8 F, SpO2 89-95% Day 2- Sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, sneezing, max fever 99.5 Day 3- Sneezing,stuffy/runny nose, slight cough Day 4- sneezing, congestion, cough Day 5- residual cough I am grateful to be vaccinated x3. I am a young, active, healthy person with no comorbidities and this was a severe illness for me. Covid guidelines aside, I would have called out sick from work. Things I am worried about: I am returning to work too early because I still have slight symptoms, lack of sick leave, long covid, reinfection with future variants.
January 12, 2022
Currently it is Labor Day weekend and we are pretty much staying home and not going anywhere. This is basically because my son has been sick. Last Thursday he started getting sick and I immediately started to panic and think that it could be Covid. He was stuffy, sore throat, his chest hurt pretty bad and he had a fairly high fever. On Friday I took him to the doctor to get tested for strep throat and Covid. At the doctors office we were not allowed to come in the front door because of his symptoms. We had to go around to the side door, wait until they were ready and then they brought us in the side and straight to the room. They checked him out and then did a rapid Covid test and strep test. We had to wait about 15-20 minutes for the results. Both of the tests were negative. They said it was just viral and to push fluids and rest. So even though he doesn't have Covid we have stayed home this weekend and just hung out around the house. He isn't vaccinated and neither is my husband. Neither one of my parents are vaccinated either and we just feel like we shouldn't go around them with him being sick. I mean, what if the Covid test wasn't accurate? It was the rapid one and I don't know the effectiveness of that one? I don't want to ever be the reason that a family member or friend comes down with Covid. So I think it's best to not really be around people this weekend. Not exactly how I thought our Labor Day weekend would go. I was hoping to get together with family yesterday or today and have a cook out. Instead this is giving me plenty of time to work on homework that is due tonight! I am also laid off from work this coming week. So I will have a lot of time to get stuff done around the house. I work for Ford Motor Company and we are being affected by the chip shortage that is happening right now. Thankfully I can collect unemployment and also receive sub pay. I just have to wait a little longer to receive my money.
September 6, 2021