Easter Sunday. I spent a few hours with my brother and nephew and his wife. I'm the holiday nerd in the family. It's important to me to continue holiday traditions and make new ones too!! Then I reconnected with a dear friend and her son. First time since Covid hit last year. We hugged and cried. I'm looking forward to more of these reunions!!!
April 8, 2021
Tomorrow will mark my third COVID wedding. Simply typing that previous statement makes my head want to explode. How have I now gone to three weddings in the past twenty months? More importantly, how many more weddings will I go to that must adapt to the ever changing local and state regulations? I honestly never thought that I'd wear a mask to a wedding. Or take a COVID test the night before. Or have to show a vaccine passport for admission. But here we are. This seems to be the "new normal" - whatever the heck this is. I once thought COVID was going to a blip on the radar - one time event. You'd say "yes, I remember that one time." Instead it's turned into a marathon - a never-ending marathon where just as you think you've hit your stride, you encounter another hill or obstacle (dehydration, get lost, cramps, etc.). Especially here in California where it's a vicious cycle of mother nature (the fires!), the politics (the recall election), and the pandemic. The state cannot catch a break. Thinking back to this wedding tomorrow, I'm not nervous - not like the first wedding last September where I wore a face shield AND a mask. Or the wedding I went to in April where I'd had just half my vaccine dosage. No, this wedding is by far the safest. But like the state, I can't drop my guard. I look back at the last twenty months and I'm exhausted. There are moments when I'm just mentally drained from it all. Given all the above, I've tried to take every day as it comes. Earlier this week I was interviewing a candidate and I remarked that I no longer think about things in "year increments" - I do it in "days and months." Otherwise, it seems too daunting. Right now, I'm just trying to live my life to the fullest that I possibly can.
September 7, 2021