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I'm really upset that the Pandemic Journaling Project would feature an entry from someone who believes the pandemic is a hoax and that it will go away after the election. I get it. Fairness on both sides, etc. But it truly defies logic. Denying that the pandemic exists should not be an acceptable condition. The reality is, we are in a pandemic. It's not up for discussion. It's like saying the sky is yellow or we breathe sulfur dioxide. Those are both false statements and you wouldn't give them credence. Why give credibility to someone who doesn't believe in the pandemic? It's not a debatable issue, even though people would like it to be for political reasons. Featuring this person's entry just gives credibility to the alternative universe that Trump has created from lies. 22,000 of them in four years. Do you really feel it's that important for the archives to give credibility to a position that you know is false?

September 24, 2020

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