There's so much we can't do right now because of COVID -- so many ways we're stuck. Sometimes, though, the inability to do stuff we want to do makes us pay attention to other things we wouldn't necessarily do otherwise, or notice otherwise. This is the sunset my family and I watched over the weekend after a long (and unseasonably warm) day of playing board games, zooming into the really moving bat mitzvah of a family friend in another time zone, going for a walk, and hanging out in the backyard doing yardwork. Snuggled with my kids in the hammock with songs from Hamilton and the new Mary Poppins playing and just soaked it in.
December 15, 2020
I'm the only human in my home, so that question is moot. There really hasn't been an effect on my exercise, other than with work being so busy and hours being longer, and my primary job being to hustle my elderly arthritic self around various machines, I guess I'm getting more exercise. I'm Blue Collar. My job is my exercise program.
September 27, 2021