This week was still waiting to wake up from the bad dream that’s ever present. The full moon on Halloween was so perfect a reflection of the anticipation of the election. Forgetting politics and policy, I want the nightmare of the division and hate tearing this country apart to end. The vitriol and fear among the populist is like these dark clouds floating through the sky. I stand in the middle of the street at midnight watching the moon peeking through, the clouds washing over it, and not a sound in the area. The silence was eerie, no rustling leaves, no barking dogs, no car engines. Just a world of peace, and calm and possibilities, yet darkness and mystery swirling all around, hiding the light. When will we wake from this nightmare and be able to hug those we care about without having to mime through 6 feet of “dead” air space and a mask? Maybe we’ll have an answer to one question next week... the election, but I don’t think Covid is ready to rest it’s ugly head yet, and that nightmare continues.
November 10, 2020
Absolutely. I read that many nations and people who use to look up to the U.S., especially in terms of scientific and medical leadership no longer feel that we are worthy of emulation or even respect because we have so screwed up our national response to the pandemic. Yes, we did well in developing the vaccine, but we failed as a nation to protect each other, to act in concert and with respect to stem the spread of the virus. The polarization and fighting over masks and social distancing and now over vaccinations repel people. Our reactions and even policies especially some state policies to the pandemic are a deterrent to people who have choices about going abroad to study or work. We are not their first choice, and we will suffer from this. This trend had begun prior to the pandemic but our behavior in the last 18 months has exacerbated the movement away from the U.S. as a desirable place to live or work.
October 26, 2021