Government Checks Sent $600 Our yard is home to this owl. My neighbor is quick She has spotted him twice In our woods. . I winder what is the symbolism Does he represent anything? He enjoys our trees I wish I could spot him one day. . I thought I heard him Earlier today at the mailbox. The government respects Artists?!?! Really ?!?!! Yes. Covid stimulus check for me? Two solo art exhibitions cancelled This past April both ruined Today blame a man twice impeached. DJT this name appears on my check. A small amount of dollars from a man Who golfed a FULL year in office As president. My career worth $600? I think I heard my owl today I do not know what his presence means I study his image in the photograph And take solace in nature’s beauty.
January 14, 2021
How has the pandemic changed how I see the country I live in? Well, I know which of my peeps won't be in my zombie apocalypse tribe, that's for sure. The pandemic exposed dysfunctions that were already there, accelerated frictions that had already been building. I fear that ultimately, the problems will not be fixed, and we will rupture instead.
November 1, 2021