CoVid continues to feel like this thorn on a rose bush… ever present danger despite the promise of beauty. Can’t let your guard down or you may get pricked. The rain drops emphasize a longing for sunshine, light and a carefree spirit which is not the same as CoVid fatigue. I think we’re beyond that now…
April 21, 2022
As someone trained in STEM and research, I find that I don't really trust any of my sources unless I can find verification in fact-checking or see that multiple mainstream sources are reporting the same thing . I understand saying that may make me sound a bit pretentious and a little paranoid, but I think that in this day and age we have to be aware of the plague of misinformation and propaganda put out into media (often by unreputable sources) which can then shape the actual news. I don't think that all news is "fake news," but I don't believe that misinformation is becoming more common. In an ideal world, all news and information would be given out unbiased and without malice, but as it is right now, it is important to be responsible for the information we consume and how we consume it. That being said, if it's basic news/events I typically trust mainstream news sources like CNN. Much of the news is opinion pieces and we are often most drawn to the media that best conform to our opinions. As a liberal college student, I prefer looking at liberal sources as they most resemble my worldview. I have come to realize that while I trust them, I should probably look at other sources that force me to think outside my bubble and see the different side even if I am unsure of the accuracy of their information. To the answer as to why I trust what I trust, I don't think I fully do trust any one source. I need verification and a number of different sources pointing to the same thing. I like to develop my own opinions and draw my own conclusions after receiving that information as long as it is accurate information.
November 2, 2021